Seminar über Theorie der Kondensierten Materie/ Weiche Materie und Statistische Physik

Programm für das Sommersemester 2024

Thursdays, 14:30 Uhr s.t.

F. Schmid / G. Settanni / P. Virnau / L. Stelzl
Minkowski-Raum, 05-119, Staudingerweg 7

18.04.24Felix Höfling, Freie Universität Berlin
Emergent phenomena in flowing matter
14:30 Uhr s.t., Minkowski-Raum, 05-119, Staudingerweg 7

16.05.24Sonya Hansen, Flatiron Institute
14:30 Uhr s.t., Minkowski-Raum, 05-119, Staudingerweg 7

12.06.24Apratim Chatterji, Prof
Under high cylindrical confinement, segments of ring polymers with internal loops can be made to get localized along the long axis of the cylinder. The emergent organization of the polymer segments occurs because of the entropic repulsion between internal loops which mutually exclude each other position along the long axis of the cylinder [Phys.Rev.E, 106, 054502 (2022)]. We used these localization properties of segments in such topologically modified bead-spring models of ring polymers to identify the underlying mechanism of the evolution of bacterial chromosome organization as the cell goes through its life cycle [Soft Matter 18, 5615-5631 (2022)]. Here, we show how to modify ring polymer topology by creating internal loops of two different sizes within the polymer, and thereby create an asymmetry in the two halves of the modified ring- polymer. This allows us to strategically manipulate and harness entropic interactions between adjacent polymers confined in a cylinder, such that a polymer prefers to orient itself in a specific way with respect to its neighbours. Thus, we can induce entropy driven effective interactions reminiscent of Ising-spin like interactions between adjacent topologically modified polymers. We consider a completely flexible bead-spring model of polymers with only excluded volume interactions between the monomers. We extend the work to investigate the entropic organization of topologically modified ring- polymers confined within a sphere. We observe that for a single topologically modified polymer within a sphere, the monomers of the bigger loop are statistically probable to be found closer to the periphery. However, the situation is reversed when we have multiple such topologically modified polymers in a sphere. The monomers of the small loops are found closer to the walls of the sphere. We can increase this effect by introducing a large number of small loops in each ring polymers.
15:30 Uhr s.t., Lorentz-Raum, 05-119, Staudingerweg 7

11.07.24Lisa Hartung, Prof
Interacting particle systems and partial differential equations
16:15 Uhr s.t., Minkowski-Raum, 05-119, Staudingerweg 7

Koordination: Kontakt:

F. Schmid

P. Virnau

L. Stelzl

Lukas Stelzl